In an era where the United States Supreme Court’s legitimacy is such that calling it a politically corrupted court is not far fetched. It is worth remembering that one of the most important benches in the world has had sit on it socially progressive and...
A recent contract decision: Cessnock City Council v 123 259 932 Pty Ltd Case Review – Amann Aviation revisited. Robert Quirk, Barrister-at Law Introduction The recent decision of the High Court in Cessnock City Council v 123 259 932 Pty Ltd (Cessnock)[1] revisited the issue of the...
Chief Justice Bowskill is speaking at a Young Commonwealth Lawyers Association (YCLA) webinar aimed at practitioners, students of law or those wishing to gain insight and understanding of how mental health affects us all on a day to day. Her Honour’s topic is “Strategies for...
On 16 February 2024 Greg Barnes SC delivered a keynote speech to the Queensland Branch of the Australian Lawyers Alliance Annual Conference analysing youth justice issues in Queensland, including: suspension of the Human Rights Act 2019 to allow detention of children who breach bail in...
On 7 February 2024 New Zealand’s top appellate court ruled in favour of a very significant climate case continuing to trial. While it remains to be seen whether the case will ultimately succeed at trial, four features make it a momentous, landmark win for the...